Tuesday, June 19, 2012

How to use JQuery DatePicker in client side Interaction

 in css style sheet
use this following css to control the appearance of date being highlight
  /* Dates that is available or found in availableDates will be highlight
. Text color - red, background - lime. */
        td.highlighttable.ui-datepicker-calendar tbody td.highlight a { 
            backgroundnone !important;
            background-color#00FF00 !important; 
 <script type="text/javascript">
         var availableDates = null;
         $(document).ready(function () {
             // Datepicker
                 dateFormat: 'yyyy-mm-dd',
                 defaultDate: "+1w",
                 changeMonth: true,
                 changeYear: true,
                 numberOfMonths: 1,
                 onSelect: function () {
                     var month = new Array();
                     month[0] = "Jan";
                     month[1] = "Feb";
                     month[2] = "Mar";
                     month[3] = "Apr";
                     month[4] = "May";
                     month[5] = "Jun";
                     month[6] = "Jul";
                     month[7] = "Aug";
                     month[8] = "Sep";
                     month[9] = "Oct";
                     month[10] = "Nov";
                     month[11] = "Dec";
                     var day1 = $("#datepicker").datepicker('getDate').getDate();
                     var month1 = $("#datepicker").datepicker('getDate').getMonth() + 1;
                     var year1 = $("#datepicker").datepicker('getDate').getFullYear();
                     if (month1.toString().length == 1) {
                         month1 = "0" + month1.toString();
                     if (day1.toString().length == 1) {
                         day1 = "0" + day1.toString();
                     var fullDate = year1 + "-" + month1 + "-" + day1;
                     var DateMMMMFormat = month[$("#datepicker").datepicker('getDate').getMonth()] + " " + day1 + ", " + year1;
                     //selectedDate.value = fullDate;
                     LoadSpecificDate(fullDate, DateMMMMFormat);
                 beforeShowDay: AvailableDate
             $(".calendarIcon").click(function () {
 fucntion AvailableDate will handle beforeShowDay event that render each specific in the 
 DatePicker. in my case, i will highlight all the dates that is found in the availableDates 
 array and disable the click on those dates are unavailable.
             function AvailableDate(date) {
                 var month1 = (date.getMonth() + 1);
                 var day1 = date.getDate();
                 if (month1.toString().length == 1) {
                     month1 = "0" + month1.toString();
                 if (day1.toString().length == 1) {
                     day1 = "0" + day1.toString();
                 dmy = date.getFullYear() + "-" + month1 + "-" + day1;
                 if ($.inArray(dmy, availableDates) == -1) {
                     return [false""];
                 } else {
                     return [true"highlight"];
this attached image shows dates being highlight if they exist in the AvailableDates array

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