Wednesday, November 23, 2016

TypeScript should be main programming Language of the future of Office 365 Development

the main reason to support this claim

one, we use typescript to develpment client solution with sharepont page framework development.

two we use typescript in to bulid custom PowerBI solution to visualize the data. you can use typescript to bulid your custom visual PowerBI from scratch.

Information Sharing: How to secure the data access on sharepoint Page Framework Project

this question "How to secure the data access on sharepoint Page Framework Project " had been raised during a session Boston Sharepoint Satursday 2016. there had been lots of input during the dicussion.

Today I got a nice answer from One of Sharepoint MVC Peter Carson. please view the following slide from Peter Carson's Sharepont Page Framework presentation.

Friday, November 11, 2016

How to fix typescript file missed by yo @microsoft/sharepoint setup command

when i first executed yo @microsoft/sharepoint to generate a web part, the return was corrected, However the style sheet typescript was missing after i ran the  yo @microsoft/sharepoint in the same project.

 the root cause of this issue is that i had load the lasted change from microsoft sharpeoint page framewrok with this command  run npm i -g @microsoft/generator-sharepoint@latest

it really messes up development enviroment, fortunately the microsoft offer the work around for this mess. the following steps is provided by microsoft.

  1.  - Run npm update then npm prune then npm dedupe
    This will update all the packages then optimize the node_modules folder size.
  2.  - Run gulp nuke to clean up any old build artifact
  3. - Run gulp to build your updated project

you can find more information regarding the above steps from this link

Update: in the lastest release, microsoft had remove the typescript object for the stylesheet. when you create the sharepoint web part from yo @microsoft/sharepoint with latest drop. you will not see any typescript object for stylesheet.

Thursday, November 10, 2016

How to add a new web part to the existing sharepoint page framewrok project?

it is a straight forward task to add new web part to the current working project.

first, launch the CMD window, and go to your current working project folder.

second. run yo @microsoft/sharepoint and create a new second web part, named secondWebPart.

third run gulp serve to launch the workbench page and clicked the plus sign to add new web part the page. the secondApp web part is shown next to the httpsApp web part.

so we can have multiple web parts under one project.

How to open a Sharepoint Page Framework Project in Visual Studio 2015

if you want to develop your sharepoint page framwork project from your favarite IDE. Visual Studio 2015

here is the steps to follow

1. launched your visual studio

2. Clicked on Open to Select WebSite

3. Browse to the folder that host the sharepoint page project.

4. select the project and click open button to launch the project in Visual Studio 2015.

Now you can start to work on your sharepoint page framework project in Visual Studio.