when I implemented the login function, I use the express-session to handle the refresh token. one copy will be save to MongoDB, another one will be save to the cookie. However, I tested the login mutation in the Apollo GraphQL playground. the cookie had been sent in the response header, but it never save in the browser.
the root cause of this issue is sterm from the playground setting.
by default "request.credentials": "omit", it should be "request.credentials": "include", to force the playground to save the cookie
"editor.cursorShape": "line",
"editor.fontFamily": "'Source Code Pro', 'Consolas', 'Inconsolata', 'Droid Sans Mono', 'Monaco', monospace",
"editor.fontSize": 14,
"editor.reuseHeaders": true,
"editor.theme": "dark",
"general.betaUpdates": false,
"prettier.printWidth": 80,
"prettier.tabWidth": 2,
"prettier.useTabs": false,
"request.credentials": "omit",
"schema.disableComments": true,
"schema.polling.enable": true,
"schema.polling.endpointFilter": "*localhost*",
"schema.polling.interval": 2000,
"tracing.hideTracingResponse": true,
"queryPlan.hideQueryPlanResponse": true
the following is the updated configuration
"editor.cursorShape": "line",
"editor.fontFamily": "'Source Code Pro', 'Consolas', 'Inconsolata', 'Droid Sans Mono', 'Monaco', monospace",
"editor.fontSize": 14,
"editor.reuseHeaders": true,
"editor.theme": "dark",
"general.betaUpdates": false,
"prettier.printWidth": 80,
"prettier.tabWidth": 2,
"prettier.useTabs": false,
"request.credentials": "include",
"schema.disableComments": true,
"schema.polling.enable": true,
"schema.polling.endpointFilter": "*localhost*",
"schema.polling.interval": 2000,
"tracing.hideTracingResponse": true,
"queryPlan.hideQueryPlanResponse": true