Monday, October 4, 2021

10 best Nuget Package for .Net Developer

Most .NET Developer should love to  integrate the following package in their .NET project developer.

xUnit & NUnit : pacakge for unit testing

Moq & NSubstitute: Mocking libaries for .Net testing

Polly: Provide rich features for policies handling

FluentAssertions: Provide  rich features for Assertions

BenchmarkDotNet: Provider Performance trace

Serilog: Provide logging with full structure events

Autofixture & Bogus : Fake Data Generator

Scrutor: add scanning capabilities to the default Microsoft Extensions. (DependecyInjection DI Container)

Automapper:Object to Object mapper

Dapper & Entity Framework Core: Data Access framework: Dapper is simple and customable

MediatR & Brighter : CQRS stands for Command Query Responsibility Segregation libraries. MediatR is an in-process command dispatcher. Brighter is an out of process command dispatcher

FluentValidation: validation library using fluence interface and lamda expression for building validation rules

Refit & RestSharp: API tools. Refit is an automatic type-safe REST library for .Net. RestSharp is a simple REST and HTTP API Client for .Net.

Json.NET: handle json data

Friday, October 1, 2021

Immediate Git Commands

a list of handy git commands

# check the change of the file 

git diff filename

# check in parital change of the file -p flag will show us the change in patch level

git add -p filename

# use git commit to enter the concise message

git commit 

# use git log to check the commit history to ensure the change had been commit

git log

# create a branch   

git branch test

# use the branch

git checkout test

# push the change back to the repository

git push --set-upstream origin test

# merge the change

git merge test

# undo the merge and rebase

git merge --abort

git rebase--abort

#use mergetool to perform the merge

git mergetool