Wednesday, February 18, 2015

How to solve "fields cannot be used in report parameter expressions" in SSRS Report

when i try to use a field from the DataSet as one of report paramenter.

I got "fields cannot be used in report parameter expressions" error. the issue is caused by the dataset did not loaded when the report is render

we can solve this issue by selecting Get Values from a query stead of choosing Specify values
then we can select dataset contains that field. and specify the field in the value field drop down.

then the report will be render based on the field value of the specific dataset.


  1. But what if we want to select the Last instead of First Value as Default? Then you need to add an additional Dataset ordered DESC...

    1. yes. you can use Desc in your sp or built in query to sort the result with Desc since it is ASC by default.
